Successfully communicating a vision to your people can make the difference between a lethargic, apathetic group and an energized, motivated one.
Where there is no vision, the people perish.
It’s an ancient proverb and has multiple applications on a variety of levels. Let’s just take it at face value for this post.
A group with a vision knows where they’re going; they can see the destination. They can help craft the route.
A group with a vision isn’t suffering motion sickness in the back of the bus; its members are up front navigating, taking turns piloting, participating in the journey.
A group with a vision can get off the train the moment they find they’re on the wrong one.
When you have a group with a vision, you’ve engaged the whole innovative, creative person, not just the part that happens to show up nine-to-five.
A team doesn’t “buy into the vision”; the members invest in it.
People with a vision scale mountains, go to to the ends of the earth, overcome unsurmountable odds.
People with a vision “get it”: they understand what’s at stake, what it will take to get there, what it costs and why it’s worth it.
A people with a vision thrive, and a people without a vision . . . perish.
What are you doing to communicate the vision to the people on your team?
“I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving: To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it–but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes